A documentary film by Abby Ginzberg and Ken Schneider

"And Then They Came for Us"
featuring George Takei

September 23, 2017, 1:30 PM, Crest Theatre, 1013 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Missed the Sacramento Premiere?
Close to 800 attended!
Buy the DVD.
San Francisco showing of new longer version October 15, 2017.
Video of panel discussion on SAPFF's Facebook page.
News coverage
Sacramento Bee article by Steve Magagnini
Outword Magazine article by Pamela Jones
NikkeiWest article
Sacramento News & Review article by Jeff vonKaenel
Sacramento Lawyer article by Yoshinori Himel, see page 30 in the November-December Issue
What's wrong with calling it "internment"?
Americans' Misuse of "Internment," 14 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 797 (2016)
As national leaders have advocated building walls against Mexican immigrants, raised the specter of a Muslim registry, and instituted an immigration ban against people from Muslim majority countries, they have cited the race-based mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II as "precedent." Social justice filmmaker Abby Ginzberg’s And Then They Came for Us (trailer: thentheycamedoc.com/about) documents the forced removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans, one of the worst violations of civil liberties in American history.
To justify the incarceration, the U.S. government lied to the Supreme Court about an asserted espionage danger. No Japanese American was ever convicted or accused of espionage so as to justify the incarceration.
In this 75th anniversary year of the 1942 Executive Orders signed by President Roosevelt, the film uses photos by Dorothea Lange and others to document the damage these orders did to 120,000 people, two-thirds of whom were American citizens. Featuring George Takei, who was incarcerated, and others who protested the incarceration, And Then They Came for Us demonstrates the importance of speaking out against today's efforts to exile DACA children, to build walls, to exclude and register Muslim Americans, to demonize Mexicans, Jews, journalists, climate scientists, and transgender service members, and to elevate violent Klansmen, avowed Nazis, and racial terrorists onto the same moral plane as protesters of good conscience.
Knowing our history is the first step toward "Never Again." In these dark times, And Then They Came for Us is a call to remembrance and positive action.
Planning Committee
Coordinated by ABAS Law Foundation
Council on American-Islamic Relations-Sacramento Valley (CAIR-SV)
Cruz Reynoso Bar Association
Florin JACL-Sacramento Valley
JACL Sacramento Chapter
Northern California Time of Remembrance Committee
Restorative Schools Vision Project
Sacramento Lawyers for the Equality of Lesbians and Gays (SacLEGAL)
Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Festival
Special Thanks
- Unity Center @ California Museum
- Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Festival
- Sacramento Japanese Film Festival, Barbara Kado, and Isao Fujimoto
- Trinity Legal e-Solutions
Series Sponsors
Series Producer
- Clement J. Kong, Korshak, Kracoff, Kong & Sugano, L.L.P
Series Directors
- Jeri Paik, Law Offices of Jerilyn Paik
- Yoshinori H.T. Himel
Event Sponsors
Event Patrons
Event Supporters
- Ayad Al-Qazzaz Endowment
- Beeson Terhorst LLP
- Law Office of Joshua Kaizuka
- Mendoza & Campos Law Offices P.C.
- Dale Minami, MinamiTamaki LLP
- Charles A. Pacheco, Pacheco & Reamer, A Professional Law Firm
Event Organizers - Gold
- Florin JACL - Sacramento Valley
- JACL Sacramento Chapter
- Restorative Schools Vision Project
Event Organizers - Silver
- Cruz Reynoso Bar Association
- Michael K. Iwahiro
- Latika Sharma
- Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims (SALAM)
- Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Festival
Event Organizers - Bronze
- Amnesty International, Sacramento-Davis Chapter
- Asian American Journalists Association, Sacramento Chapter
- Asian/Pacific Bar Association of Sacramento
- Asian Pacific Islander Queer Sacramento Coalition
- Arnulfo Hernandez, Jr.
- Diepenbrock Elkin Gleason LLP
- Jewish Voice for Peace
- Law Office of Nancy Mao
- Law Office of Rodrigo L. Mayorga
- Legal Services of Northern California
- Leonard M. Friedman Bar Association
- Los Rios College Federation of Teachers Local 2279
- National Lawyers Guild, Sacramento Chapter
- Northern California Time of Remembrance Committee
- Physicians for Social Responsibility/Sacramento
- Public Advocates
- Sabrina Thomas
- Sacramento Central Labor Council, APALA Chapter
- Sacramento County Public Defender's Office
- Women Lawyers of Sacramento
About "ABAS Law Foundation Presents..."
The ABAS Law Foundation is celebrating 20 years of law-related educational and charitable works in greater Sacramento's Asian/Pacific community. In 2017 we are producing a series of events to provoke discussion and inform the public on often-overlooked subjects, including civic responsibility, our unjust bail system, human trafficking, our nation's discriminatory and unconstitutional wartime actions, dissent at the notorious Tule Lake concentration camp, and how disastrous governmental actions can happen again if people of good conscience fail to make their voices heard.