2022 SAPFF

MAY 21-21, 2022
"Reparations," "Ricochet," and "Free Chol Soo Lee"
The Sofia, Home of B Street Theatre, 2700 Capitol Ave., Sacramento, 95816
The next Speaker Series event is three films in the 2022 Sacramento Asian Pacific Film Festival: "Reparations," "Ricochet," and "Free Chol Soo Lee." The Foundation is the Film Festival's fiscal sponsor. Day 1 of the festival (Saturday, May 21), will feature a screening of "Reparations," by Jon Osaki, who was a panelist in our 2021 Speaker Series. "Reparations" examines the long struggle to seek repair and atonement for slavery in the United States. "Ricochet," featuring Sacramento-raised SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi, will be shown on Day 2, immediately before "Free Chol Soo Lee." "Ricochet" refers to the bullet that was accidentally fired by an undocumented immigrant accidentally killing a young woman at Pier 14 in San Fransisco, and tells the story of the trial that followed. The final screening of Day 2 (6:00 pm Sunday, May 22), “Free Chol Soo Lee,” tells the story of a Korean American death row inmate and the activists who led the movement to free him of his conviction for a 1973 San Francisco Chinatown gangland murder. A Q&A session and reception will follow the "Free Chol Soo Lee" screening. The full Film Festival program guide and ticket information can be viewed here (Program Guide & Tickets). Additional films to be screened include "Minari," "Not Your Model Minority," "Blurring the Color Line," "Lumpia With A Vengeance," "The Donut King," and "Waikiki." In addition to tickets for individual screenings, full Festival and full day passes are available.
The Speaker Series is part of the Foundation’s two decades of law-related educational and charitable works in greater Sacramento's Asian/Pacific community. Each year, the Foundation awards scholarships to encourage community-conscious activist future lawyers. The Foundation has supported activities such as the Hmong Mediation Project and the CAIR immigration legal clinic; has produced numerous law-related workshops and programs; and has administered a federal research grant on World War II's notorious Tule Lake concentration camp.
The first three Speaker Series years brought A Conversation on Civics with Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye; Empowering the Community and Educating the Public through Law with Dale Minami; the Sacramento premiere of Konrad Aderer's documentary Resistance at Tule Lake; Bystander Intervention Training with the Council on American Islamic Relations; a panel on Bail Reform in California; a panel on the Immigration Policy crisis; and a screening of Sold, a human trafficking story, with a panel discussion on human trafficking. The Foundation screened the Sacramento premiere of Abby Ginzberg's documentary And Then They Came for Us, attended by 800, with a distinguished discussion panel and a social action networking session to build community. And it presented two plays: Vietgone, a romantic adventure starring a Vietnamese refugee couple, and Jeanne Sakata's one-man play Hold These Truths, retelling civil rights hero Gordon Hirabayashi's wartime journey of conscience.
Series Sponsors
Series Producer
Clement J. Kong, Korshak, Kracoff, Kong & Sugano, L.L.P.
Series Director
Yoshinori H. T. Himel
Timothy G. Yeung, Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong LLP