2021 Reparations

October 29, 2021, Noon - 1:00 pm (Pacific)
You must register to get instructions how to attend
Suggested Donation $20 - "Donate Now" tab is on this page
California MCLE credit requested
Upcoming 2021 Speaker Series Events
The final Speaker Series panel looks at a matter of unfinished national business: reparations for African Americans starting with H.R. 40’s fact-finding commission; and reparations for Japanese Latin Americans for the violations found by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
The Speaker Series is part of the Foundation’s two decades of law-related educational and charitable works in greater Sacramento's Asian/Pacific community. Each year, the Foundation awards scholarships to encourage community-conscious activist future lawyers. The Foundation has supported activities such as the Hmong Mediation Project and the CAIR immigration legal clinic; has produced numerous law-related workshops and programs; and has administered a federal research grant on World War II's notorious Tule Lake concentration camp.
The first three Speaker Series years brought A Conversation on Civics with Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye; Empowering the Community and Educating the Public through Law with Dale Minami; the Sacramento premiere of Konrad Aderer's documentary Resistance at Tule Lake; Bystander Intervention Training with the Council on American Islamic Relations; a panel on Bail Reform in California; a panel on the Immigration Policy crisis; and a screening of Sold, a human trafficking story, with a panel discussion on human trafficking. The Foundation screened the Sacramento premiere of Abby Ginzberg's documentary And Then They Came for Us, attended by 800, with a distinguished discussion panel and a social action networking session to build community. And it presented two plays: Vietgone, a romantic adventure starring a Vietnamese refugee couple, and Jeanne Sakata's one-man play Hold These Truths, retelling civil rights hero Gordon Hirabayashi's wartime journey of conscience.
Series Sponsors
Series Producer
Clement J. Kong, Korshak, Kracoff, Kong & Sugano, L.L.P.
Series Director
Yoshinori H. T. Himel
Timothy G. Yeung, Sloan Sakai Yeung & Wong LLP
Series Actor
Kathryn E. Doi, Hanson Bridgett LLP
William R. Orr, Law Office of William R. Orr
Michael A. Terhorst, Beeson Terhorst LLP